CALL: 501-676-1964
"Hunting is measured by the time spent with family,
and friends in the great outdoors."
Mike is the Owner and head honcho at Diamond Wings.
"We pride ourselves on the complete customer experience.
From the Lodge to the meals to the Hunt we want to show you everything Arkansas hunting has to offer." -Mike
Mike Linton
Morgan is the son of owner Mike Linton. He guides for the lodge, and also runs Diamond Wings website and social media pages. Morgan Started Hunting Arkansas Rice fields and flood timber in Arkansas, and every year is drawn back to the Arkansas Duck Hunting Life. Hunt with Morgan Today!
Morgan Linton
Parker Linton is the son of owner Mike Linton.
Parker is a guide at Diamond Wings. Parkers love for Arkansas Duck Hunting and pursuit of Mallards started from the time he could Shoot a shot gun, and has never waivered.
Hunt with Parker today!
Parker Linton
Conner Linton is the son of owner Mike Linton.
Conner is a guide at Diamond Wings. He has become a passionate hunter the past few years, and loves watching duck cup into the timber.